Lagoon in Khaki Green
Her signature patterns are formed from many unique pieces of ‘murrine’, which Fuchs designs and makes by herself. Traditionally ‘murrine’ all possess the same pattern, however, by employing a different kiln-formed technique, Fuchs makes each ‘murrina’ unique by having more control during the stretching process whilst working with her hot molten glass.
With her blown artworks, Fuchs combines this new special manufacturing technique of 'kiln formed murrine’ (which has only been in existence since 1992) with centuries-old traditional Muranese glassblowing knowledge, resulting in pieces that are the only ones of their kind worldwide.
In the artist’s own words;
"Offering me every possible way to express myself, glass became my ‘partner in crime’ to transform my ideas in reality. To mix my own colours is very important for me. Colours are feelings, colours show the mood of a work at first glance. Colours are life”