The initial inner form is hand thrown, to an impressive scale given the delicate and tricky nature of porcelain. Once leather hard, Walker adorns the inner and outer walls with a trail of organic ridges, created by hand, also from porcelain. These draw the eye around the balanced, poised and symmetrical form but as if organically grown there of their own will.
Walker works in porcelain to create pieces that explore ideas of growth and decay through the construction and layering of complex surfaces. All of her pieces start by being thrown on the wheel, before being built upon with thousands of individually applied fragments of porcelain.
Many of her pieces are thrown and altered, often being cut away and reassembled in the leather-hard stage which allows her to deconstruct the form creating new surfaces on which to continue adding her porcelain layers.
This artwork has sold but the artist can also create pieces to commission, please contact the gallery for further information.