Flow Breeze No 4
The Flow Series created by Egeværk are the result of the ultimate collaboration between the artists and their wood. Working in unison, Bentzen and Kristensen take much inspiration from their medium before even beginning to work with it, examining each piece before commencing. The final artworks are a physical manifestation of the 'flow' of ideas between themselves and their material.
Egeværk appear to bewitch their timber. Soft, fluid and twisting lines, mimic cascading silk, yet unlike elusive ideas that can escape our thoughts, these beguiling forms are held captive in their ephemeral moment.
In the artist's own words;
"Waves are in perpetual flow; one moment water, the next a forceful movement and a particular shape. Night flows into day and day flows into night. The tide ebbs and goes out. Plants flow through the circle of life as do human beings. Meticulous timekeeping comes up short.
The Flow sculptures are playful explorations of shapes and movements with no beginnings and no ends. Waves, clouds, the shape of tornadoes. Birds’ wings. Fleeting – yet monumental – moments of great beauty captured through wood.
The process of making them is also marked by flow. No boundaries between maker and object, making and material. A particular kind of happiness. The world as it also is. Flowalicious"
The artists can also create pieces to commission, please contact the gallery for further information.