Vessel Gallery London - Contemporary Art-Glass Sculpture and Decorative Art. Exhibitions, Sales and Commissions.

The Value in Things at Cromwell Place | Commissioned Essays

The Value in Things at Cromwell Place | Commissioned Essays
"The title, 'The Value in Things’, is meant to be provocative. Too often the contemporary object is dismissed as being decorative, slight, insubstantial, merely a ‘thing’. The exhibition challenges this perception and asserts that these contemporary objects have significant cultural value and deserve serious consideration and collection. Both Ting Ying and Vessel Gallery represent some of the most exciting, innovative and important artists across the fields of contemporary studio glass and ceramics. Each of these galleries has a distinct voice and my task is to ensure the exhibition represents both their similarities, differences and make for a cohesive and harmonious whole.

A series of commissioned essays by eminent writers in this field, looks at the journey these objects take from the studio, through the gallery and into collections, both institutional and private. These essays address what sets these ‘things’ apart from the ordinary. What makes owning them relevant? What their value is within the broader cultural landscape? What makes them collectable?

One of the great advantages of showing at Cromwell Place is that it is so close to the Victoria & Albert Museum. This is ‘our’ museum, the place where the histories and values that support and underpin the work in this exhibition are held. Many of the artists in ‘The Value in Things’ already have work included in this most venerable of institutions and these purchases have often been facilitated through these galleries.

The objects in this exhibition are culturally important and significant, bear scrutiny and have a relevancy to the time and place where they were made. Objects of the present with importance for the future.

Set over three galleries at Cromwell Place ‘The Value in Things’ gives the visitors an opportunity to see wonderful works, understand their stories, appreciate their power and debate their value. In these times where we are all rightly questioning meaningless consumption, this exhibition addresses the issues of ownership and the importance of collecting, the joy that these objects can bring in the now while caring and preserving them for the future

Brian Kennedy, curator

The Value In Things by Emma Crichton Miller
Galleries working with Museum Curators by Emma Park
Glass art in Britain, 2023 by Emma Park
The state of British Ceramics today by Malaika Byng
Alice Walton by Emma Crichton-Miller
Baldwin and Guggisberg by Emma Park

The Value in Things presented by Vessel Gallery & Ting-Ying Gallery
1st - 11th March 2023 | Monday to Saturday 10am to 6pm | Sunday 10am to 4pm
Cromwell Place, Gallery 12, The Study and Wing Gallery, 4 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2JE

Exhibition Artworks